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Your horoscope for the week ahead: It’s a wonderful time to make amends | CBC Life



Your horoscope for the week ahead: It’s a wonderful time to make amends | CBC Life

Are you ready to make amends? When communication-ruling Mercury enters proactive Virgo early on Monday morning, you’ll be called to reflect on any mistakes you’ve made recently and figure out how to move forward with grace. This energizing transit can also help us to get back on track with our routines and power through our to-do lists. Just try not to rush or push yourself too hard as the speedy planet inhabits this mutable earth sign over the next few weeks; we’re still recovering from a disorienting retrograde season and must go slow as we plan our next steps.

The pressure to get moving could ramp up even more late on Tuesday or early Wednesday, depending on your time zone, when the intuition-ruling moon waxes into her first quarter in impatient Sagittarius. Do your best to fight against any added sense of urgency that this lunation brings — it’s OK if you need a little extra time to get organized. The moon will also oppose optimistic Jupiter in social Gemini on this day, which could inspire us to share more than we’re actually comfortable with. Take care to protect your heart under this influence.

Later on Wednesday or early Thursday, chatty Mercury in analytical Virgo will sextile courageous Mars in generous Cancer, urging us to be more direct with the people around us. If you’re looking for the best way to handle a delicate situation, consider how practising honesty might actually help you deepen your connection with others. Meanwhile, when it comes to romance, this could be a wonderful moment to be bold and tell someone special how you feel about them. 

Then, you’ll be wise to tread carefully when the spirit-driving sun in meticulous Virgo squares expansive Jupiter in curious Gemini on Thursday. This challenging aspect could lead you to put your foot in your mouth, but if you harness its energy correctly, it could help you accomplish some pretty amazing things. So use this time to hone your focus and conserve your stamina; minding your manners and practising moderation can help shield you from embarrassment along the way. 

Finally, prepare to catch up with friends — and perhaps even make some new ones — when charming Venus in idealistic Libra trines lucky Jupiter in quick-witted Gemini on Saturday night or early Sunday. We’ll be blessed with an extra dose of confidence under this aspect, making it an exciting time to socialize, explore new relationships and invest in the people you care most about. Don’t wait for someone else to reach out first; seize this opportunity to make the first move and watch your connections blossom. 

Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, September 9, 2024.


You’re a powerhouse, Aries. And after battling some rocky terrain lately, you’ll be ready to get back into your groove and plow through your to-do list this week. If you have your eye on tackling any larger projects, you may want to enlist your loved ones for some extra assistance — just be sure that you really sell them on your plan before you start delegating. Meanwhile, it’ll be in your best interest to keep your opinions to yourself during this period, as even your most well-intentioned thoughts could come out wrong. Self-editing can help you avoid any awkwardness or confusion. 


Embrace your vulnerability, Taurus. This week, you’re encouraged to speak from the heart and focus on connecting with people on a more meaningful level. You may even find that opening up inspires you to be more courageous in other avenues of your life. Take advantage of this energy to pursue any creative or personal goals that may have previously felt out of reach. Meanwhile, if a loved one reaches out to you with a problem, ensure that your thoughts are well-constructed before you dole out any advice — poorly chosen words could quickly lead to hurt feelings if you’re not careful. 


Does it feel like you’re being pulled in multiple directions, Gemini? This week, try to give yourself some room to breathe. Then, if you need a little guidance on where to go next, you may find it helpful to tap into your partnerships. A little advice from someone you trust could be particularly powerful when it comes to sorting out financial matters. Use this moment to take an honest look at your spending and brainstorm ways to tighten your purse strings. Then, on the weekend, your charisma will be at an all-time high. Have fun flexing your flirtation skills and capturing the heart of anyone who crosses your path. 


Feeling a little overwhelmed, Cancer? While it might seem like the sky is falling at the start of this week, know that your growing list of responsibilities is nothing you can’t handle. Instead of trying to juggle multiple things at once, do your best to focus on one task at a time. When you hone your attention, you leave less room for mistakes that might end up slowing you down. Meanwhile, on the career front, you may find that thinking out loud with someone you trust encourages you to seek out fresh opportunities to explore your passions. Start talking about what you want to achieve, and prepare to connect the dots. 


Have you been mulling over a certain money-making idea, Leo? This could be the perfect time to share your insights with others and — hopefully — cash in. So at the start of the week, be sure to carve out time to prepare your talking points and set yourself up for success. And if you feel your confidence start to waver, remember that you can back up your insights with valuable experience. Come mid-week, you may want to hold off on bouncing stray thoughts off of friends and acquaintances within your professional network. Instead of letting yourself get swept up by new ideas, redirect your attention toward finishing the projects you’ve already started. 


Your enthusiasm for your work is intoxicating, Virgo. And this week, you could feel an added rush of motivation to go after new creative or career goals. If you’re interested in pursuing a different professional path entirely, you may find it useful to brainstorm ideas with people in your social circle. Mid-week will be an ideal time to gather everyone together and get their thoughts on your next big move. While your nearest and dearest may not be completely on board with your vision at first, don’t fret. You’ll be able to win them over once you sell them on the financial benefits of your venture. 


Are you bursting with creative inspiration, Libra? Be sure to write down every gem that enters your mind at the start of the week, otherwise the busyness of life could easily make you forget them. Come mid-week, shared ambitions at work could lead to a surprising love connection for single Libras. Perhaps it’s time to take the plunge and let love into your heart. Meanwhile, partnered Libras may find that this energy motivates them to share their aspirations for the future with their loved one. If you’ve been looking to take the next step in your relationship, this could be a wonderful opportunity to strengthen your bond. 


Keep your ears open this week, Scorpio. While you may not be looking for advice on a particular issue, you could still pick up some valuable tidbits of information if you pay close attention. You may also find it useful to consult your friends and tap into their keen knowledge around subjects that have long piqued your curiosity; you could be pleasantly surprised by what you uncover. That said, you’ll be wise to steer clear of any discussions involving your finances or career during this period. Wires are more likely to get crossed under this energy, and it could lead to an unfortunate mess that you’d rather not deal with. 


Does it feel like more people are matching your positive energy, Sagittarius? This week, you could notice a certain electricity in the air, and find that your friends, family and coworkers seem more eager to share their opinions and look for the silver linings in life. Enjoy this thrilling ride — just remember to pad your schedule so you can indulge in fascinating conversations without sacrificing any of your personal progress. Come mid-week, you’ll be wise to watch your words and give credit where it’s due when it comes to your partnerships. Patting yourself on the back too hard could backfire big time, especially if someone happens to overhear. 


Daydreaming can be a beautiful escape, Capricorn. And this week, regardless of your romantic status, you could find yourself reminiscing about past loves or crushes. Use this reflective time to practise gratitude for the people who are currently in your orbit and consider what you really want from your relationships moving forward. If you wish to bring more love into your life, this is the time to take action. Then, mid-week, you may feel emboldened with a new sense of confidence when it comes to improving your inner world. Your loved ones could offer some key insights that’ll help you achieve your goals, so don’t be afraid to reach out.


Taking care of yourself doesn’t have to be a chore, Aquarius. Remember that if you feel motivated to spice up your wellness routines this week. Perhaps adding a social element to your self-improvement activities will help you really stick to your goals. Your friends will make the ride a lot more fun — and they could also possess a wealth of information for you to draw upon. Come mid-week, you may feel driven to shirk your responsibilities to give yourself more time to unwind. While it may not be enjoyable to stick to your schedule, maintaining your focus will ultimately pay off. Try to find little opportunities to reward yourself along the way. 


Your powerful imagination can help you make waves in your career, Pisces. So at the start of this week, carve out some time to brainstorm projects that excite you and evaluate what you really want to accomplish. Have faith in your insights and experience as you mull over these ideas — you could be on the precipice of something truly exciting. Meanwhile, if you’ve been considering making a big purchase lately but have been waiting for the right moment to take the plunge, try running your thoughts by someone you trust. Sharing your concerns about this investment will help you come to a sound decision.

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