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New President and Directors for Canadian Hall of Fame – Harnesslink



New President and Directors for Canadian Hall of Fame – Harnesslink

The Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame is pleased to announce the election of Bill Ford as President for 2024.

Mr. Ford, an executive with Woodbine Entertainment since 2011, and currently their Chief Racing Officer and General Counsel, has been a Director of the Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame for the past two years representing Racetracks Canada. Previous to his time at Woodbine Entertainment, he was a General Counsel and Secretary for Magna Entertainment, a predecessor of The Stronach Group, from 2003 to 2010.

Bill Ford

Among the Boards and Committees Ford has sat on during his 20 plus years in racing are the Board of Directors of Racetracks Canada, the industry association representing all horse racing tracks in the country, including as Chair from 2013 to 2022 and he is currently a Director of Ontario Racing.

Mr. Ford fills the position of President of the CHRHF following Darryl Kaplan who held the role from 2018 – 2024. Kaplan, currently the President and CEO of Standardbred Canada, maintains his position as a CHRHF Director and is now the Vice-President of the CHRHF.

“I am very honoured and excited to take on this new role with the CHRHF. The Hall is an important part of the fabric of the Canadian horse racing industry and the place to recognize the men, women and equine athletes who have contributed so much to the industry.” said Ford. “I would also like to thank and recognize the amazing contribution of Darryl throughout his years of leadership, and I look forward to working with him moving forward.” he added.

Other changes to the Board of the Canadian Horse Racing Hall include the departure of Director, Peter Berringer, who represented CTHS National, a position that will now be filled by Dave Pihl, of CTHS National. Additionally, John Hind of the Alberta Standardbred Horse Association will replace Jackson Wittup, also from ASHA.

The CHRHF thanks the above individuals who depart the Board for their commitment and input to the Hall over their time spent with the organization.

The current Directors for the Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame are listed below:

Veronica Attard – HBPA Ontario

Jim Bannon – Director-at-Large

Jamie Demetrick – Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society

Bill Ford (President) – Racetracks Canada

Daren Gomez – Jockey’s Benefit Association Canada

John Hind – Alberta Standardbred Horse Association

Darryl Kaplan (Vice-President) – Standardbred Canada

Sue Leslie – HBPA Ontario

Bill McLinchey – Racetracks Canada

Bill O’Donnell – Central Ontario Standardbred Association

Dave Pihl – Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society

Andrea Rennison – Standardbred Canada

John Stapleton – Director-at-Large


Founded in 1976, The Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame, is a registered charity with a mission to honour and preserve the history and majesty of horse racing in Canada, by celebrating and bestowing recognition for excellence achieved by those who have significantly contributed to horse racing in Canada, a sport with a legacy of over 250 years.

From the Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame

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