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Justin Trudeau reveals ‘I think about quitting this crazy job everyday’ as Canada PM admits making ‘tough personal sacrifices’ – after ex-wife Sophie shacked up with hunky doctor



Justin Trudeau reveals ‘I think about quitting this crazy job everyday’ as Canada PM admits making ‘tough personal sacrifices’ – after ex-wife Sophie shacked up with hunky doctor

  • The Canadian Prime Minister said he thinks about quitting his job and admits it requires personal sacrifices
  • His ex-wife recently took a dig at him on a podcast saying women ‘shouldn’t expect the minimum’

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau admitted he thinks about quitting his ‘crazy job’ every day after his ex-wife took a veiled swing at him saying women ‘shouldn’t expect the minimum.’

In an interview with French-language broadcaster Radio-Canada on Friday, Trudeau said he plans on staying in office until the next election, but he does think about leaving his job.

Trudeau, whose Liberals are trailing in the polls, first took office in November 2015 and the next House of Commons election must be held by October 2025.

‘I could not be the man I am and abandon the fight at this point,’ he said in the interview.

‘I think about quitting every day. It’s a crazy job I’m doing, making the personal sacrifices, of course, it’s super tough, it’s super not great at times.’

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau  said in an interview with French-language broadcaster Radio-Canada on Friday he often thinks about quitting his job

Trudeau, who first took office in November 2015, announced last year he and his wife were separating after 18 years of marriage

Trudeau, who first took office in November 2015, announced last year he and his wife were separating after 18 years of marriage

Trudeau 's ex-wife Sophie Gregoire said on a podcast that women 'shouldn't expect the minimum' in what may have been a veiled swipe at the Canadian prime minister

Trudeau ‘s ex-wife Sophie Gregoire said on a podcast that women ‘shouldn’t expect the minimum’ in what may have been a veiled swipe at the Canadian prime minister

Trudeau said he entered politics ‘not to be popular, not for personal reasons – because I want to serve and I know I have something to offer’.

‘The choice that Canadians will make, in a year in the elections, will be so fundamental.’

Last year, Trudeau, 52, and his wife Sophie Gregoire, 48, announced they were separating after 18 years of marriage. 

Their reasons for splitting were not made clear, however, the couple said at the time that it came after ‘many difficult conversations.’ 

Gregoire appeared to dig at her ex-husband while speaking about love, trauma and her battle with bulimia on the Know Your Value podcast last week.  

‘Your needs, you shouldn’t expect the minimum,’ the former TV host told the podcast.

‘You should expect a maximum of nourishment, presence and help in your life with the people around you. And we shouldn’t have to hold it all together as women.’

Trudeau said, 'I think about quitting every day. It's a crazy job I'm doing, making the personal sacrifices, of course, it's super tough, it's super not great at times'

 Trudeau said, ‘I think about quitting every day. It’s a crazy job I’m doing, making the personal sacrifices, of course, it’s super tough, it’s super not great at times’

Gregoire appears to have found love with an Ottawa pediatric surgeon Dr. Marcos Bettolli (pictured) towards the end of her marriage

Gregoire appears to have found love with an Ottawa pediatric surgeon Dr. Marcos Bettolli (pictured) towards the end of her marriage

Gregoire is allegedly coupled up with Argentina-born Dr. Marcos Bettolli several months before her shock separation from the Canadian PM, according to the surgeon’s own divorce papers.

In a divorce petition filed on April 26, 2023, Bettolli’s ex-wife Ana Remonda claimed that he had ‘re-partnered with a high-profile individual who attracts significant media attention, and presents significant security considerations’.

The person was not named in the court documents, but The National Post claimed it had been confirmed that Remonda’s allegation refers to 48-year-old Gregoire. 

Bettolli, 48, works at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and also teaches at the University of Ottawa’s medical school.

He separated from stay-at-home-mom Remonda in January 2020 after 22 years of marriage and two kids together. 

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