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Indo-Canadian groups slam anti-Hindu rhetoric at Toronto parade



Indo-Canadian groups slam anti-Hindu rhetoric at Toronto parade

Toronto: Indo-Canadian community groups have expressed anger over pro-Khalistan elements openly targeting the country’s Hindus, as evidenced by a protest at the India Day Parade in Toronto on Sunday.

Visitors to the India Day Parade at Nathan Phillips Square in downtown Toronto on Sunday. (HT photo)

A pro-Khalistan group gathered at the venue for the event, a celebration of India’s Independence Day and were heard shouting, “Canadian Hindus go back to India”, among other slogans.

That demonstration was part of the so-called Khalistan Rally, and flyers circulated in the days preceding it called for a “Face-off” between “Khalistan Sikhs” and “Canadian Hindus”

That display was condemned by community groups. In a statement, the Coalition of Hindus of North America or CoHNA’s Canadian unit, said such “blatant Hinduphobia persists unchallenged” in Canada as politicians look the other way.

“Whether it’s a memorial service for Canada’s deadliest terror attack or Hindu festivals like Diwali and Holi, Khalistani protesters are there to harass and disrupt these gatherings with #Hinduphobic chants. Over and over we see the pretext of “political speech against India” used to target ordinary Canadians of the Hindu faith. If such rhetoric was directed against any other group, politicians would swiftly condemn it”, it added.

Security at the India Day Parade, organised by the umbrella organization Panorama India to mark Independence Day, was maintained by Toronto Police personnel.

Another group, Canadian Hindu Volunteers also expressed outrage over the incident, as it said, “Such rhetoric, if directed at any other community, would undoubtedly prompt swift and decisive action from elected officials and law enforcement.”

Describing the episode as “despicable”, it added, “We implore Canadian authorities and elected representatives to recognise the severity of this issue, take immediate action to curb these hateful acts by extremist groups, and ensure that Hindu Canadians can live safely and with dignity. The persistence of this bigotry is a stain on Canada’s commitment to multiculturalism and must be addressed without delay.”

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