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Gemini Monthly Horoscope



Gemini Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF October

October is a month of dynamic shifts for you, Gemini, with the cosmos pushing you to balance play and practicality. The month opens with a powerful solar eclipse in Libra on October 2, the second of two eclipses that have been shaking things up since September 17. This “ring of fire” annular eclipse lights up your fifth house of passion, creativity and self-expression. Expect surprises—whether it’s a sudden romantic spark, an unexpected creative breakthrough or even a new arrival on the family front. This eclipse could also inspire you to revamp your look or debut a fresh style that reflects your current vibe.

Adding another layer of transformation, expansive Jupiter turns retrograde in Gemini on October 9. With all outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) now retrograde, the universe is hitting the pause button on some of your recent progress, giving you space to catch your breath and assess. You’ve been riding a wave of rapid growth since Jupiter entered your sign in May, and while it’s been exhilarating, you need space to reflect on what truly matters to you. Even for a Gemini multi-hyphenate, all of these options could have gotten a bit overwhelming! From now until February 2025, scale back, reassess your goals and fine-tune your grand plans. Get intentional about what’s next!

On October 11, Pluto, the planet of transformation, ends its five-month retrograde, bringing closure to deep, behind-the-scenes work you’ve been doing since May. With Pluto making its final lap through Capricorn and your eighth house of shared resources, you’re nearing the end of a profound 16-year cycle. What financial or emotional entanglements have you outgrown? As Pluto moves forward, you can finally extricate yourself from those.

For most of the month, the Sun is glowing in fellow air sign Libra, giving you cosmic permission to let loose and fully enjoy yourself. El Sol lights up your fifth house of fun, creativity and romance until October 22, making it one of the most playful times of the year for you. Whether you’re reigniting a love connection, launching a creative project or getting frisky for fall, Libra season encourages you to embrace your lighthearted, expressive side. You’ll be the life of every party, and your natural charm will be magnetic. Don’t hold back!

ELLE Editors’ October Prime Day Picks

October kicks off with a major cosmic event as the October 2 Libra new moon—an annular solar eclipse—electrifies your fifth house of creativity, romance, and self-expression. Eclipses always bring surprises, and this one might deliver unexpected developments in your love life or artistic ventures. This could be the spark you need to get things moving. 

But there’s more! This is the final eclipse in the Aries-Libra series that began in July 2023, a transformative period that’s been pushing you to balance individuality with collaboration. Over the next six months, you’ll continue to find the sweet spot between “me” and “we” and how you show up for yourself and others in the right proportions. Adding to the mix, a rare alignment of six celestial placements in air signs—the Sun, moon, Mercury, Jupiter, the karmic south node, and Black Moon Lilith—supercharges this eclipse with social and collaborative energy.

Got some resentment to clear? Black Moon Lilith, representing your shadow side, joins forces with the Sun and moon at the same degree, potentially stirring up hidden frustrations you didn’t even realize were there. If you’ve been ignoring certain boundaries, this eclipse could bring those feelings to the surface in a surprising way. Advocate for yourself and make sure your needs are truly being acknowledged.

The month turns reflective on October 9, when maximizer Jupiter begins a four-month retrograde in Gemini on October 9. Since May 25, Jupiter has been charging through your sign, accelerating every aspect of your life and kicking off a new 12-year chapter of your life. New opportunities, exciting projects and a whirlwind of personal growth have kept you on your toes. But even a curious, fast-paced Gemini needs time to catch up. With Jupiter reversing through your sign until February 4, 2025, the stars grant you a four-month breather. 

Reassess your priorities, Gemini. Have you taken on too much in the excitement of growth? Jupiter retrograde is your cosmic cue to pull back, streamline and focus on what really matters. Instead of chasing every glittering opportunity, tap into this quieter energy to fine-tune your plans and solidify your next steps. When Jupiter returns to direct motion in your sign from February 4 until June 9 next year, you’ll have four whole months to pursue a path that you KNOW you actually want to be on.

What lies beneath, Gemini? This October 11, Pluto ends its five-month retrograde, bringing clarity and resolution to matters that have been stirring beneath the surface. Since March 2023, Pluto has been dancing between Aquarius and Capricorn, activating both your ninth house of higher learning and your intensely transformative eighth house. Pluto turned retrograde in Aquarius on May 2 and backed into Capricorn on September 1. As Pluto picks up the pace, you’ll finally gain clarity through some of the deep soul-searching you’ve been working through.

With Pluto now wrapping up its final tour in Capricorn until November 19, this is your moment to resolve any lingering entanglements, especially in financial or emotional relationships. The lessons of the past few months have asked you to revisit old wounds and patterns, but now it’s time to release what no longer serves you. Whether it’s establishing healthier boundaries, ending a toxic arrangement or deepening a meaningful bond, Pluto empowers you to step into a more secure and self-aware version of yourself.

On October 17, the Aries full supermoon beams into your eleventh house of teamwork, friendships and collaborations. Full moons bring things to a head, and this supermoon could mark a major turning point in a group project or social dynamic. Is it time to take a friendship or partnership to the next level—or perhaps go separate ways if you no longer share the same vision? 

With the Sun, moon, Mars and Pluto forming a loose grand cardinal cross (four-way showdown), the energy will be intense and even combative. The Aries full moon pushes you to take bold action, stand up for yourself and fight for what matters. You might need to make some tough decisions, but this is your moment to clarify who’s on your team and who isn’t.

Look back to the Aries new moon on April 8—a total solar eclipse—for clues about what may be coming to fruition now. Have you been working on a shared goal or community initiative? This supermoon could bring it to a successful completion or reveal the need for a new direction. Either way, don’t shy away from being direct and assertive as you navigate this intense full moon energy.

The vibe shifts on October 22 as the Sun moves into Scorpio, powering up your sixth house of wellness, work and daily routines. For the next four weeks, you’ll be in productivity mode, ready to roll up your sleeves and get organized. Scorpio season is all about digging deep, so this is your moment to focus on efficiency and making sure your day-to-day life is running like a well-oiled machine. Whether it’s fine-tuning your schedule, decluttering your workspace or getting back on track with a wellness plan, this transit encourages you to focus on the details that keep everything running smoothly.

Since Scorpio rules transformation, the Sun’s visit to this part of your chart is also a chance to make lasting changes to your habits and routines. Tackle any tasks or projects you’ve been putting off, knowing that Scorpio’s determined energy will help you power through. Don’t get stuck doing it all alone, either! The sixth house governs helpful people, making this a great time to get the right support on Team Gemini.

On October 28, a harmonious Mars-Neptune trine brings an opportunity to blend practicality and vision as Mars in your second house of finances connects with Neptune in your career-driven tenth house. This cosmic alignment encourages you to think creatively about your earning potential and long-term goals. Have you been dreaming about a career pivot or starting a side hustle? The Mars-Neptune trine supports you in taking tangible steps toward turning those dreams into reality. Don’t be afraid to tap into your imagination and think outside the box. Just make sure you’re staying grounded in what’s financially feasible. The energy of this trine is perfect for aligning your values with your professional ambitions to connect the dots between your passion and paycheck.

Time to make some sugar-free treats and organize the costume contest? On Halloween night, a balsamic moon in Scorpio casts a spell over your sixth house of wellness and organization. This lunar phase, just before the new moon, is all about release, making it the perfect time to let go of unhealthy routines or clear away lingering tasks that have been haunting your to-do list. Whether you’re handing out candy or enjoying a spooky soiree, you might dodge the candy bowl and cocktails and opt for healthier Halloween indulgences. Doing something crafty and DIY could also be a fun alternative to the typical party format if you celebrate. Use this magical night for a ritual so you’re ready to start fresh when the new month arrives tomorrow.

Settle down, Gemini. That’s an invitation, not a command—and we bet you’ll RSVP “yes.” Lusty Mars spends the entire month on mild-mannered cruise control, transiting through Cancer and your slow-and-steady second house. Until October 17, Venus remains parked in Scorpio and your analytical sixth house, helping you finesse all the practicalities of relationships: coordinating schedules, aligning on budgets, getting on the same page about where your attraction is heading. Cuffing season is officially underway, and for once you’re not running in the opposite direction.

With motivated Mars in security-driven Cancer and your stabilizing second house, the call to date and mate is dialed up. You’re not looking for a casual fling; you’ve got serious couple goals on your mind. The powerful Libra solar eclipse on October 2 can help you plant seeds of intention in your romance sector. Is it time to get back on the dating apps? Consider this your opportunity to get real about your needs. Make sure that flirty new friend can actually walk their talk!

If this potent solar eclipse weren’t enough, Pluto, the planet of all things hidden, makes its presence known again after a five-month retrograde. On October 11, Pluto powers forward in Capricorn and your intimate eighth house, where it’s been making a final visit since September 1. This fall, you may have done some deep soul-searching and processed turbulent emotions. Pluto’s pivot back to forward motion could drive buried feelings up once again. Have you been unsure whether to trust someone or get financially entwined? Clarity could arrive over the next couple weeks.

While you may feel restless in moments, try to appreciate it while it lasts. Don’t stir up drama as a means of creating “excitement.” Venus floats on to Sagittarius on October 17, sweetening your seventh house of partnerships. Being part of a twosome feels especially exciting now, and you’ll be ready to step out with a fun plus-one whose companionship you genuinely enjoy. 

But even as you enjoy the attention, pay attention to the long-term potential. With Venus in Sagittarius, you’ll want more from every interaction than just a superficial vibe. Single Geminis should lean into your natural gift of gab for attracting someone with LTR potential. Sultry conversation is the best aphrodisiac! Don’t be surprised if a meeting of the minds quickly turns into a linking of the hearts, too. If you’re in a relationship, make a point of adding more adventure to the equation!

Turn your passion into profits! With the confident Sun in Libra and your creative, spotlight-grabbing fifth house until October 22, one of your talents could grab public attention. You’re one of the most effortlessly entertaining signs, so it won’t be surprising when you capture the attention of a fascinated (and fascinating) fanbase. The October 2 Libra solar eclipse is an especially fortunate date to put your boldest ideas into the public sphere. 

With ambitious Mars in security-minded Cancer all month long, the desire to grow a nest egg is top of mind. Looking for an opportune moment to negotiate a raise or schedule a check-in with a client or manager? Circle October 4 for extra cosmic support when mature Saturn forms a harmonious 120-degree trine with Venus in your work and career sectors. Your powers of negotiation are on fire with Venus in savvy Scorpio, allowing you to tip the scales in your favor. Motivated Mars in Cancer and your money sector all October could have you thinking about new ways to generate revenue and supplement your income.

You’ve been coming up with fresh ideas and creative insight since May 25, when expansive Jupiter first entered YOUR sign and accelerated your life from zero to 100. Even though your mutable sign is equipped to roll with the punches, you’ve been struggling to catch your breath amidst the overwhelm of work and an overbooked calendar. The tremendous growth you’ve experienced has redefined your whole concept of yourself and your future possibilities.

But has the change come on too quickly? Starting October 9, Jupiter goes retrograde (backward), slowing its roll until February 4, 2025. While the full-throttle pace is exciting, you could benefit from a breather to catch up and digest. Make sure these grand new plans are really what you want. It’s possible that you’ve been so distracted by the glittering opportunities that you’ve said yes to too many things. Scale back and prioritize where necessary. Remember: busyness is not the same as productivity.

Got a team project to complete or a digital venture to launch? The Aries full supermoon on October 17 could bring your shared efforts to a peak. Then roll up your sleeves starting October 22, when the Sun enters Scorpio and your administrative sixth house, giving you a month to organize and prioritize for a successful end of the year! 

Love Days: 2, 7

Money Days: 14, 22

Luck Days: 20, 12

Off Days: 18, 4, 10

See All Signs

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