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Canadian Tire continues to “jumpstart” kids into sports



Canadian Tire continues to “jumpstart” kids into sports

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Canadian Tire is continuing to “jump start” kids’ participation in sports, and the company’s Kirkland Lake franchise is doing its part to help the cause. 

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According to the company’s website, the program founded in 2005, Jumpstart helps kids overcome financial and accessibility barriers to sport and recreation to provide inclusive play for kids of all abilities. 

It’s a chance to boost their self-esteem. A chance to nurture their creativity and help them do better in school. It’s a chance to connect them to their communities, so they can be a part of something bigger. 

In an interview with the Northern News, Kirkland Lake’s Canadian Tire owner Alyssa Johnstone stated “what is really unique about it is, the stores in every market, will take donations and you can (also) make donations online through the jump start home page, but we will collectively take to fundraising in our communities and 100 percent of the donations stay in the communities so that kids have access to sports programs, or fees for those programs.” 

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She goes on to explain “what will happen is a jumpstart representative will reach out to a family who has, maybe reached out saying my kid wants to play soccer but I don’t have the income to buy them soccer gear or pay for their registration. Jumpstart will give them a voucher to come to the store and buy their product from us or give them money so they can afford to enroll their kid in the sport.” 

As to the local response, Johnstone says Kirkland Lake is “just one of those communities who wants to see everyone succeed and support one another.” 

June was the program’s focal point and Johnstone says the community came through with $3500 in donations. “We are so thankful the community wants to support kids so they can play sports. There is so much kids can do in the community, and I know not everyone can afford it.” 

For those interested in accessing the program, Johnstone says people can go onto the jumpstart website or come into the store and they can steer people to the local jumpstart representative. 

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