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Canadian tech IPO market poised for revival: Morisset



Canadian tech IPO market poised for revival: Morisset

Mia Morisset, a partner at Inovia Capital, remains confident about the future of Canada’s tech IPO market despite a period of dormancy. Although high-interest rates, inflation worries, and global concerns have caused many SaaS startups to delay going public, Morisset asserts this is a temporary situation.

The fundamentals of Canada’s tech sector remain strong, thanks to technological advances and a surge in demand for digital services. Thus, creating a fertile ground for tech-centered startups to thrive. Morisset encourages these startups to focus on building robust business models and innovating and adapting to market changes.

“There is never the perfect time to go public,” Morisset states, urging startups not to be swayed by short-term market fluctuations. She also underscores the significance of investor relations, counseling companies to establish strong connections with potential investors to instill confidence in their prospects.

Through resilience and agility, Morisset believes Canadian tech startups can successfully pave their way to an IPO, driving the resurgence of the local tech market.

Canadian tech IPO market’s promising outlook

Her optimism denotes that the current slowdown is merely a minor road bump on the pathway to success.

Morisset has successfully guided four companies through the IPO process and presently advises several prospective public tech companies. Her advice is keenly sought after for achieving sustainable growth, navigating complex regulatory landscapes, managing investor relations, and setting realistic goals.

The seasoned advisor underscores the importance of planning, long-term strategy, and transparency in preparing for a successful IPO. She cautions against pursuing aggressive growth without a clear, executable strategy, emphasizing the necessity of predictable and sustainable growth.

As for potential IPO companies, Morisset urges them to learn from the mistakes of previously listed companies and to foster patience and resilience, which are crucial in navigating the post-IPO landscape fraught with challenges.

According to Morisset, the future of tech IPOs rests on two crucial factors: predictable, steady revenue and scaling. These can be measured by robust financial planning, customer segmentation, and prediction of customer attrition.

Morisset emphasizes the need for continuous innovation, adaptability, competent leadership, and a unified company vision for achieving long-term success. In her view, prioritizing these factors ensures sustained business growth and expansion, shaping the path towards a profitable IPO.

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