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Bill Maher gives blunt reality check to liberals who believe Canada is a Utopia: ‘There’s only one problem…’



Bill Maher gives blunt reality check to liberals who believe Canada is a Utopia: ‘There’s only one problem…’

Is Canada an ideal country that Americans should look to for guidance? Well, Bill Maher doesn’t think so.

Bill Maher urged Americans to follow the advice good liberals if they want to save the country.(Bill Maher)

On Friday night, the Real Time host Bill Maher gave a blunt reality check to citizens of the United States who love Canada. During the latest episode of his show, he brought up the fact that Canada’s health care system is overstretched and financially bursting and that it faces significant pollution problems.

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Bill Maher blasts liberals who think Canada is a Utopia

Maher told his audience that once, “Canada was where all the treasured goals of liberalism worked perfectly. It was like NPR come to life, but with poutine.”

“There’s only one problem with thinking everything’s better in Canada,” he stated, adding “It’s not. Not anymore.”

Hecautioned the left that supporting “woke” ideas could help elect former US President DonaldTrump and called Canada a “cautionary tale” for the US. “They say in politics, liberals are the gas pedal and conservatives are the brakes,” he quipped.

Maher further urged Americans to follow the advice good liberals if they want to save the country.

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‘Canada was the Statue of Liberty with a low-maintenance haircut’, says Maher

Making acomparison between the US and Canada, he pointedout that the country to the north has more cities with greater air pollution and a higher unemployment rate.

“Canada was the Statue of Liberty with a low-maintenance haircut and cross-country skis, a giant idealized blue state with single-payer health care, gun control and abortion on polite demand. Canada was where every woke White college kid wearing pajama pants outdoors who had it up to here with America’s racist patriarchy dreamt of living someday. I mean, besides Gaza,” he stated.

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Canada facing worst migrant and house crises

The issue, according to Maher, is that Canada is not as ideal as it is being portrayed. Emphasising the migrant crisis, he said that Canada welcomed 1.3 million migrants in just one year, which is significantly higher than the 11 million immigrants the United States welcomed in the same period.

He highlighted that Canada currently faces a housing crisis that is far worse than the US. “And we’re sleeping in tents. The median price of a home here is 346 grand; in Canada, converted to US dollars, it’s 487,” he continued.

He did not mince words while critiquing Canada’s health care system, claiming that it is the worst among high-income nations for both access to primary care and quick access to doctors.

Stressing that the reason isn’t lack of spending, he said Canada spends more than 13% of its GDP on health care out of the 30 nations that have universal coverage.

Meanwhile, billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman reacted to Maher’s latest Real Time episode, calling it “funny” but a “sad commentary on the current state of the Left in the US”.

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