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Aries Weekly Horoscope



Aries Weekly Horoscope

WEEK OF September 23 – 29, 2024

Cosmic tailwind: incoming! As Mercury takes its last lap of the year in detail-focused Virgo, your sixth house of health, work and daily routines, you’ll be motivated to make one big push toward getting your home, office and well-being into fighting shape. Before leaving Virgo, the messenger planet forms three galvanizing aspects to heavy-hitting planets. A pair of harmonious trines, first to Uranus (on Tuesday, September 24) and then to Pluto (on Thursday), opens up space in your everyday life for innovation and transformation. What is needed most, Ram? New systems, a fresh approach to managing your schedule or maybe finally tackling that project that’s been stuck in a rut? Uranus helps you think WAY outside the box while Pluto supports you in “destroying” whatever isn’t working and then building from scratch, if that’s what’s needed. But with Mercury opposing dreamy Neptune on Wednesday, keep your feet on terra firma and don’t get lost in idealistic visions or let confusion fog up your practical plans. If you can strike a balance between inspiration and precision, your productivity will soar.

But not all your initiatives will be professional this week. Tuesday’s quarter moon in Cancer and your domestic quarters could stimulate you to refresh your space. This is a gentle quarter moon, so don’t rush right into knocking down walls or tearing out any plumbing. But hmm, would a fresh coat of paint turn an ignored corner of the living room into a focal point? If you’ve been toiling away at improvements to the Ram residence, you might be ready to unveil them to your inner circle—perhaps with a cocktail or potluck dinner party? Or host a midweek movie or crafting night with creative friends. If there’s tension brewing at home, be proactive and organize a meeting with the people living under your roof to discuss privacy and more amiable arrangements. Even if you believe everything’s copacetic, that smiling roommate could be feverishly fuming every time you burn sage or play anything louder than ambient music.

Hopefully you squeezed in your fair share of “me time” when messenger Mercury retrograded back and forth between Virgo and your health-conscious sixth house and Leo and your party zone since July 25 till now. This extended cycle offered a “bonus round” to get your systems and fitness regimen back on track. On Thursday, mindful Mercury whizzes sinto diplomatic Libra and your partnership house until October 13, dynamic duos will move to the top spot on your priority list. Regardless of your relationship status, you DON’T have to lower your standards or put up with bad behavior to be in a union. The tiny communication planet can help you find the perfect words to express your hopes for how you’d like things to be. If they—or YOU—have been parked on the fence about taking a next step, this zippy transit can turn a maybe into a yes—or a no way! The good news is, at least you’ll know for sure.

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