CTF Takes Issue With Taxpayer Funded Edible Cricket Factory – Bridge City News – December 7, 2024
Just a couple of years after the Trudeau government used 9 million dollars to help build the world’s largest edible cricket factory in London Ontario comes word that two thirds of its workforce will be laid off. Aspire Food Group CEO David Rosenberg says the factory was to house four billion crickets and churn out 13 million kilograms of edible crickets annually. According to Ag Funder News even with the massive layoffs and production slowdowns the facility will still sell its crickets to pet food manufacturers. Many folks are stunned that the Trudeau government would use millions of tax dollars to fund and continue to support an edible cricket factory. You can include Gage Haubrich Prairie Director with the Canadian Taxpayers Federation in that group. He says he is not surprised that this cricket farm has been struggling.