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What Happened To The CFL In Halifax?



What Happened To The CFL In Halifax?


With news of Halifax getting a Pro Basketball team again in 2025, it got me thinking….whatever happened to the talk about the CFL (Canadian Football League) in Halifax?

Long story short; After hosting Touchdown Atlantic in Wolfville and Halifax in 2022 and 2023, things looked like they were heading in the right direction for getting a franchise in Nova Scotia.

But ever since last summer…plans seem to have disappeared.

Of course, Halifax has been always brought up about being the next city to land a team:

One big hurdle for the city is having no stadium. The HFX Wanderers have pushed a plan to make the Wanderers Grounds a permanent venue for sports:

Annnnddd, we’ve got bigger issues going on in the city right now…

Is the dream for the CFL in Halifax completely gone with the wind?


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