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Now the world thinks Canadian social policies are the ‘edge of crazy’



Now the world thinks Canadian social policies are the ‘edge of crazy’

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Not long ago, our practical, moderate approaches were considered exemplars that countries around the world tried to emulate. But as Postmedia’s Tristin Hopper discusses with Brian Lilley this week, in just a few years, Canada went from paragon to cautionary tale — a model of how one should definitely not handle drug policy, euthanasia, housing, online censorship, gender policy, immigration and more. Sure, some of this is the work of an activist federal government, Hopper says — but not all of it. Social-policy extremists have infiltrated myriad levels of Canadian policy-making. Ending the havoc might take more than a change in government, he predicts. It may require a new quiet revolution led by a (still-moderate) Canadian majority. (Recorded July 29, 2024.)

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